Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Entry the First

My name does not matter, really. It is nearly four o'clock in the morning here and once again I cannot sleep. Maybe I could reread 'Frau Holle' or even start on the other text for Thursday? No, I haven't the heart nor the mind at this moment. Such strange feelings come over me at this time of the morning. All is very still and I can only hear the faintest hums of television sets. I am left very much alone and to be honest I have no idea as to why, exactly, I am cooped up in my smelly little room, when I could easily be outside, taking in the breeze and sky for all they are worth.


It is -14 outside.

Good Enough.

On to more pressing issues.

Why is she awake? Not me. My noisy, upstairs neighbor.

I will be so happy in October. I failed to mention my impending adventure into Germany. Apologies. October through July. No breaks. 10 months of pure immersion. Wonderful.

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